This was a treat to read! After reading this and your other work I've been thinking about GPT as a horse for the mind (similar to Steve Jobs PC as bicycle for the mind). It's less precisely controllable but very versatile, with its own "goals". I think this dovetails nicely with Licklider's symbiosis vs mechanical extension idea. What would be the analogy for a "horse culture" in the GPT world? Cowboys and their steeds, ranging across cyberspace, masters of their own destiny.

Anyway sorry for the ramble. Thanks for writing cool stuff!

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Vannevar slay

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This is great. Without being too tedious, it's fun to think about the scene in Accelerando where Manfred loses his glasses and absolutely fumbles his identity at the same time.

How much will we offload and what will be left of us? It's only scary if you're not excited.

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“but who would now place bounds on where such a thing may lead?”


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Thanks for introducing me to Bush and Licklider. I have some more reading to do. I have Ironman and Jarvis in my mind when I think of what I'd like to have as my symbiotic relationship with AI. I'm eagerly awaiting ChatGPT's leap from text-based conversation to speech-based conversation. Have you tried personal.ai? I've just got access, but haven't started training it yet.

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